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Supreme Detachment

Supreme detachment is the ultimate state of supreme awareness. An intense meditator experiences this state of awareness which we call para vairagya in the Hindi language or supreme detachment in the English language. If we don’t have any desires is better than the subjugation of desires than maintaining equanimity in fulfillment or non-fulfillment of desire is the ultimate state. We all know desires are primarily the root cause of most suffering.

If we see its practical aspect, desires are also the root cause of inventions like electricity, magnetism, medical instruments, the computer, the phone, and the mode of fast transport. These inventions have made human life comfortable. So the importance of desires in human life can’t be denied. However Yogis firmly established in samadhi go on to dedicate their lives to the welfare of all sentient beings.

My poetry is inspired by Adi Shankaracharya’s composition ‘Nirvana Shatakam‘ and its authorship is attributed to Adi Shankaracharya ji only. I have only tried to translate it to hindi poetry. I believe it will help spiritual seekers better comprehend the text.

न अहंकार बुद्धि मैं, न मन, न ज्ञानेंद्री पांच |
मैं शुद्ध चेतना, ना ही चित्त मैं, न तत्व पांच ||
मैं चैतन्य रूप, आनंद हूं, मैं शिव हूं, मैं शिव हूं | १

I am neither ego, intellect, mind, and consciousness nor do I have organs of hearing, (ears), tasting, (tongue), smelling (nostrils), seeing, (eyes), touching, ( skin) nor the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. I am the ever-pure blissful consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

न सप्त धातु मैं, न पंच कोष, न कर्मेंदरी पांच |            
अपान, समान, व्यान, उदान, प्राण न वायु पांच ||
मैं चैतन्य रूप, आनंद हूं, मैं शिव हूं, मैं शिव हूं | २

Neither am I the seven ingredients of the body: marrow, bone, fat, flesh, blood, inner skin, and outer skin nor the five sheaths of the body: annamaya kosha, pranamaya kosha, manomaya kosha, gyanmaya kosha, and anandamaya kosha. Neither am I the five organs of action: hands, legs, tongue, genital( generation), anus (excretion) nor the five air: prana, apan, saman, vyan, and udan. I am the ever-pure blissful consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

Note: Vayu has various regulatory functions in the body. Prana vayu which comes from the Almighty power is the instrument that carries life to the body. Apan vayu regulates the body from Lumbar (Manipur) third energy center to the Coccygeal (Muladhara) first energy center. Saman vayu regulates the body from the dorsal ( fourth) energy center to the lumbar ( third) energy center. Vyan vayu is responsible for blood circulation in the entire body. Udana vayu operates from the cervical (fifth) energy center to the fontanelle (seventh) energy center.

न राग -द्वेष मैं, ईर्ष्या और ना ही हूं अभिमान |
न मैं धर्म, अर्थ, मोक्ष और ना ही हूं मैं काम |
मैं चैतन्य रूप, आनंद हूं, मैं शिव हूं, मैं शिव हूं |३

Neither do I have hatred, nor attachment, neither greed nor infatuation. Neither do I have pride, nor feelings of envy and jealousy. I am not within the bounds of dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), kama (desire), and moksha (liberation). I am the ever-pure blissful consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

न मैं पुण्य पाप, भोजनम्, भोज्य और भोक्ता |
न मैं यज्ञ, ज्ञान, तीर्थ, मन्त्र, सुख दुःख विरक्ता ||
मैं चैतन्य रूप, आनंद हूं, मैं शिव हूं, मैं शिव हूं | ४

Neither I am bound by merits nor sins, neither by worldly joys nor by sorrows. Neither am I bound by sacred hymns, nor by sacred places, or sacred scriptures nor sacrifices. I am neither enjoyment – (experience), nor an object to be enjoyed (experienced), nor the enjoyer (experiencer). I am the ever-pure blissful consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

न मैं अभिनिवेश, गुरु शिष्य न भेद भाव जाति का |
माता नहीं पिता अजन्मा, न मित्र कोई ना ही भ्राता ||
मैं चैतन्य रूप, आनंद हूं, मैं शिव हूं, मैं शिव हूं | ५

Neither am I bound by death and it’s fear, nor by the rules of caste and its distinctions. Neither do I have relations, nor friends, neither guru nor disciple. I am the ever-pure blissful consciousness, I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

निराकार, निर्विकल्प, और चैतन्य रूप व्याप्त हूं |
विद्यमान इन्द्रियों में, न आसक्ति और न मुक्त हूँ ||

मैं चैतन्य रूप, आनंद हूं, मैं शिव हूं, मैं शिव हूं | ६

I am without any variations and any forms, I am present everywhere as the underlying substratum of everything, and behind all sense organs. Neither do I get attached to anything, nor get freed from everything. I am the ever-pure consciousness; I am Shiva, I am Shiva.

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