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Ninder Kya Bole

मन मस्त निंदरा क्या बोले

भीतर करुणा प्यार भरा है |

बाहर कम कहीं मोय दीखे,

बांट सके तू जितना बांटे,

पानी कुआँ में उतना दीखे||

मन मस्त निंदरा क्या बोले 

I filled my heart with an abundance of love and compassion. But I find it lacking in the world. Ninder requests that people share it with needy people as much as they can receive it. So I am sharing it with the people. If you take out water from the well, never reduce its quantity. My heart fills with happiness, and I have no words to describe it. 

गुल, गुलाब, गुलज़ार खिले|

भोंरे उमड़,  रस पीने आये,

हृदय आनंद परम तू भर ले,

शब्द नहीं अब मैं क्या बोले ||

मन मस्त निंदरा क्या बोले 

The Garden of roses is fully blooming, and it fills my heart with utmost happiness. Bumblebees have arrived at the scene to drink the nectar. I am highly delighted to see it, but find no words to speak.

चाँद-चकोर मिले जब दोनों |

किससे कौन अब क्या बोले,

कहने सुनने को अवशेष नहीं,

दूर हुए सब शिकवे औ गिले||

मन मस्त निंदरा क्या बोले 

Chand (Soul) and Chakor Bird (Life) became one. Who says what to whom? Nothing left to describe and to hear. Illusions of complaints are over forever. My heart fills with happiness, but I find no words to describe it. 

ज्ञानी घटा, घाटी बरसे

हाथ घड़ा जा पानी भरले

जगे, भरा पानी, कुछ सोये 

बदली हटी चांदनी फैले

मन मस्त निंदरा क्या बोले.

The rain of wisdom is showering in the valley. I tell the people to get the water (wisdom). People filled their pitchers when awakened, but those who kept sleeping couldn’t. Soon after, the showering stopped. The moment the moon comes out of the clouds, moonlight spreads in the valley. My heart filled with utmost happiness to see the scene, and I found no words to describe it. 

दुनियां भर की खाक छनी |

जंगल परवत नदी नाले,

सागर पानी छलनी छाने,

तब कहीं हाथ हीरा झोले||

मन मस्त निंदरा क्या बोले 

I roamed around the world in search of the truth. I went to the jungles, mountains, and rivers to find. I dived inside the sea (body) to sieve; I found jewels and kept them in a bag. With this perception, my heart fills with happiness, but I see no words to speak. 

घट अज्ञानी जैसे ही फूटा|

कैदी तोय उदधि समाया,                        

मेरे आंगन नाचे मोर,

बानर उछल कूद खेले ||

मन मस्त निंदरा क्या बोले 

The moment the pitcher of ignorance broke, water (prisoner) filled in the pitcher, mixed up with the seawater and became one. With this, peacocks started dancing on my floor, filled with joy. Monkeys also began playing with zeal and happiness. I filled my mind with pleasure and satisfaction and found no words to speak. 

इच्छाओं का अंत हो गया |

घर मेरा दुनिया का आंगन,

अहम् स्वयं भागा छड़ के,

मैं समीर हर दिक डोले ||

मन मस्त निंदरा क्या बोले 

Kriya practice swallowed my desires forever. I felt my house was for everyone. Kriya swallowed my ego, and I became air flowing in every direction without resistance. My mind is highly delighted but prefers to be silent. 

करुणा, प्यार, खान हो गया|

जिसकी जित्ती चाह वो लेले,

निंदर फक्कड़ भांति हो गया,

जिसको जो समझे वह समझे||

मन मस्त निंदरा क्या बोले 

I am the source of love and compassion. Needy people can take as per their wants and needs. Since I am like a Fakir, I know what people think about me, and I am not affected. It is their free will to have their opinion of me. With this feeling, my mind was highly delighted but found no words to describe it.

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