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Man and Tree

निंदर फूल, पेर की बेल खिला, और भी खिले दुनियां |
हरयाणा में खिला एक हैदराबाद, गुरु मुस्कुरा रहे हैं ||

Ninder is a flower blossoming on a creeper and that creeper is my guru. Lots of flowers are blossoming on this creeper which is spreading in the universe. Out of them one is blossoming in Haryana and other one in Hyderabad. Guru is smiling on this thought.

बीज को कब मिलेगी जिंदगी नहीं पता उसे ये बिधि हाथ।
कब तक दबा रहे मिट्टी में, मिले पानी हवा ये बिधि हाथ।।

When a seed would be sprouted, it’s beyond the control of the seed. How long this seed would be buried inside the earth and when it would get a favorable environment to grow into a plant, is in the control of God.

कब निकलेंगी पत्तियाँ उसमें, कब बनेगा सम्पूर्ण पौधा।
कब खिलेंगे फूल उसमें ना पता उसे, सब बिधि के हाथ।।

When this seed would be sprouted and grown into a grown-up plant. When this seed would blossom, the seed is unaware. This process is beyond the control of the seed.

बीज का अंकुरन निर्भर है एक निश्चित समय ऋतु पर।
कौनसा बीज बनेगा वृक्ष वह फलेगा सभी बिधि हाथ।।

The sprouting of a seed depends on and happens in a particular season and without the favorable time, the sprouting of the seed will not happen and which seed would grow into a tree is decided by God.

कौन जाने पत्तियाँ निकलते ही चर लिया जाएगा या बचे।
जिस को बखेरना है खुशबु, हर हाल में जिए बिधि हाथ।।

Who knows if this newly sprouted plant would be eaten up by a wild cow or would be saved? Who is destined to spread the perfume, would survive in every odd condition. This is ensured by God.

फूल बनने से पहले बनेगा कली, बीज बने सम्पूर्ण पौधा।
अब जब खिल गया फूल, बिखेरे खुशबु सब बिधि हाथ।।

Before blossoming, the flower would be turned into a bud and becomes an adult plant. And when the flower blossoms, it starts spreading fragrance. This process of seeding is also in the control of God.

बीज का पौधा बनना और फूल बनना, बखेरना खुशबु।
फलना, फूलना वृक्ष की जीवन प्रक्रिया सब बिधि हाथ।।

The transformation of a seed into a plant and flowering, spreading fragrance, and bearing fruit are all under the control of God.

मैं जानता हूं तेरी बहुत सी बातें, तूने मुझे सिखाई, है ना।
जानना या न जानना बातों का, यह भी सब बिधि हाथ।।

I know lots of your secrets which you taught me this skill, is it not you? Knowing something or being unaware is also under God’s control.

निश्चिंत रह अब नरिंदर, जो होना है होकर ही रहेगा अब।
कर्म कर परहित के, स्वतंत्र ईच्छा से ये नहिं बिधि हाथ।

Nindar is certain. Whatever has to happen, would happen. You look after the interests of the people around you, guided by your free will which is under your control Nindar.

संत जन,वृक्ष जन्म लेते केवल परोपकार के लिए ही ।
खपा दें अपना सर्वश्व, दोनों की रचना बिधि के हाथ।।

A saint and the tree both come to this planet for serving the interests of others. Whatever they possess is for needy people. These two are the best creation of God.

वृक्षों का जीवन अद्भुत चमत्कारिक जीवन न जाने हम।
काटें उन्हें, खत्म करें स्वयं जिन्दगी ही, नहीं बिधि हाथ।।

The life span of a tree is wonderful, miraculous, and most suitable for the respite of mankind. We are unaware of this truth and cutting trees and putting our lives at the stake. We are not using our free will intelligently. God doesn’t have any control over this.

मनुष्य को जिवित रहने को परम आवश्यक प्राण वायु।
वृक्ष देते हमें प्राण और लें स्वयं उपयोग हुई दूषित वायु।।

Human life is dependent on oxygen and which tree produces. In this way, our existence is based on trees and they consume our exhaled carbon dioxide as an intake crucial for their survival. And what we are doing, we are cutting them for our other sly use resulting in our own lives at stake.

कैसा समन्वय का लेना देना, दोनों का जीवन होता पूर्ण।
एकता का उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन, मनुष्य न चुकाए अपना रिण।।

What a great harmony harnesses between men and trees. Both are complementary to each other. This is one of the best examples of oneness. Trees are serious and delivering their bit which humans are breaking by cutting them.

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